When Should I Freeze My Eggs?

When Should I Freeze My Eggs 1 When Should I Freeze My Eggs?

Fertility declines after 40. Fertility preservation can help you conceive later in life. The reason for egg freezing is a declining fertility rate. But it is not as easy as it seems. There are several reasons to freeze your eggs, including the live birth rate and cost. Continue reading to find out the pros and cons of egg freezing. After reading this article, you’ll be well-prepared to choose a method.

Fertility declines after the age of 40

In our society, women in their mid-30s and older often worry that their fertility has begun to decline. While older women experience more fertility problems than younger ones, this does not mean that they cannot conceive. While fertility declines in both sexes, older women experience more difficulties. Because older women have lower levels of ovarian reserve, they may need assisted conception. Fertility declines in men too, especially after age 35.

A recent study of over a million pregnancies found that women over 40 had a 50% higher chance of miscarriage than women under 35. In fact, over 90% of pregnancies were lost before women reached the age of 45. Furthermore, the risk of developing Down syndrome increased significantly with age. In addition, women lose their egg count each month, and older eggs are more likely to contain chromosomal abnormalities.

Reasons to freeze your eggs

Why freeze your eggs? Several reasons exist for the process. These reasons include the fact that the average sperm count has declined in most countries over the past century. In Denmark, for instance, a study concluded that the average sperm count has fallen by 50% since 1973, with no sign of a plateau. Although these reasons are not conclusive, they do support the idea of egg freezing as an empowering option for some women.

Firstly, freezing your eggs is a safe way to preserve your current fertility. You can still become pregnant after undergoing treatments for conditions such as cancer or chemotherapy. However, a freezing procedure is costly, and navigating insurance can be challenging. And you’re likely to need to use your own resources to pay for it. But it’s worth it in the long run. This procedure will keep your current fertility intact and reduce any anxiety you might have about your future.

Live birth rate

One of the most common questions asked by couples who are considering freezing their eggs is, “What is the best age to freeze eggs for a live birth rate?” In fact, the success rate depends not only on the age when the eggs are frozen, but also on general health. The study by Maslow et al., 2020, determined that women under 35 had the highest live birth rates. However, as the woman’s age increases, the success rate decreases.

The cumulative live birth rate for women who have had egg freezing before age 35 was reported to be 94.4%, with the most optimistic scenario limited to women younger than 35 with 24 oocytes stored. For women with fewer than 24 eggs in storage, the live birth rate increased to 41.7%, but for women over 36, this was not enough to increase the live birth rate. While egg freezing can help couples overcome deferred parenthood, it has many risks.


The cost of freezing eggs can vary. Depending on where you live, you can freeze eggs for as many as five years. In the U.S., you can store them indefinitely, while in the UK, you can store them for an unlimited amount of time. The average cost is around 3,350 pounds for each egg. This does not include the medication costs and storage fees. It also includes the time it takes for the egg to thaw and implant, which can run into the thousands of pounds.

Most fertility clinics accept credit cards, but be aware that your credit card limit may not cover the full cost of the procedure. Unlike most medical procedures, egg freezing must be paid for in full up front. However, some clinics offer payment plans or partner with financial institutions to offer direct loans. If you have a limited budget, consider freezing your eggs now. You’ll save more time and money, and you’ll have the chance to have a baby later on.

Insurance coverage

Many leading tech companies have implemented insurance coverage for women considering egg freezing. Although the costs can be quite high, the benefits may make egg freezing appealing. These benefits can increase competition in the fertility field and expand what employers cover. Additionally, they raise the bar for women’s health coverage. If more employers begin to offer fertility coverage, more women may have access to the most mainstream fertility treatments available. For this reason, insurance coverage for egg freezing should be considered carefully before undergoing the procedure.

Depending on your insurance plan, you may be able to receive partial or full insurance coverage. Although most infertility treatments aren’t covered by insurance, some state laws mandate that health insurance plans cover infertility treatments. While your insurance plan may pay for diagnostic testing, the cost of egg freezing can still be out-of-pocket. Fortunately, many fertility clinics will offer payment plans. Some even offer a discount for non-insured patients.