What is Micro-TESE?

What is Micro-TESE? Is Micro-TESE Safe?

Micro-TESE is a type of non-blind sperm retrieval. This technique has many benefits, including improved sperm retrieval, low complication rates, and low risk of hypospermatogenesis.


Micro-TESE is a Non-blind Sperm Retrieval Technique

A non-blind sperm retrieval procedure is known as Micro-TESE. This process involves removing tissue samples, opening tubules in a controlled fashion, and searching for usable sperm. The process of Micro-TESE can be timed with an egg retrieval cycle or IVF cycle to ensure that the sperm are not frozen. Sperm produced by men who have sperm production problems are difficult to freeze. Fresh sperm from men with NOA have the same pregnancy rate as frozen sperm.

In addition to a blind TESE technique, there are two types of TESE. The classical method involves a biopsy of the testicles. Depending on the condition, the TESE technique can yield a high percentage of sperm, but the rate will be lower than with conventional TESE. During the testicles, spermatogenesis may take place in other areas of the testicles. In such cases, further biopsy procedures may be necessary. This method can only be successful in a small number of patients with NOA. Fortunately, Micro-TESE is non-blind, and uses an operative microscope for sample collection.


Micro-TESE Improves Sperm Retrieval

In recent studies, micro-TESE has been found to increase sperm retrieval success rates by about 80% compared to conventional TESE. These results are encouraging, but not definitive. This is likely because men with rare spermatozoa may not receive 100% success, but more successful micro-TESE treatments will still improve sperm retrieval rates. However, a small group of patients who suffer from sperm disorders may not be candidates for micro-TESE.

The results of the study showed that micro-TESE significantly improved the success rate of sperm retrieval in men who are unable to conceive. Micro-TESE was well tolerated by all patients, with the exception of two. The overall sperm retrieval rate was similar between micro-TESE and TESE, with the difference being in the number of failed ICSI attempts.


Micro-TESE Has Low Complication RatesWhat is Micro-TESE?

One of the most important things to note when performing TESE surgery is its minimal complication rate. The complication rate of micro-TESE is exceptionally low. One study involving 100 patients found that only three patients developed complete or incomplete germ-cell aplasia. In contrast, SRR for TESE with no aplasia was only 76%. These numbers are comparable to the overall rate of complication for conventional TESE.

Other studies have shown that micro-TESE is effective in retrieving sperm in a majority of patients with NOA and very low postoperative complication rate. However, it is still necessary to conduct more research to understand the full clinical implications of micro-TESE. In fact, this method has very low complication rates compared to conventional sperm retrieval. Although there are few high-quality head-to-head comparative randomized trials for micro-TESE, available studies focus on evaluating the live birth rates and long-term outcomes of children conceived with testicular sperm from NOA patients.