Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Treatment

If PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is diagnosed after the necessary tests have been performed, treatment must be initiated. Most importantly, if the patient has excess weight, the starting point should be losing it, so that diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can be cured more easily. In addition, the patient is much more likely to get pregnant at the end of the treatment.


polycystic ovary syndromeOral medication, especially contraceptives are also used in the treatment. Androgen production is regulated by these drugs, and regular menstrual cycle is ensured: physical changes, infertility, and acne problems are treated.




Treatments such as diabetes medication, hormones, clomiphene citrate, spironolactone, flutamide, or eflornithine cream are also included.


In some cases, cysts need to be removed by surgery. If cysts cannot be eliminated by medication or another treatment method, surgery is the next option. The surgery performed to remove cysts is actually a very simple operation, and has no serious side effects. Surgery is also a great option for treating infertility.


Patients with PCOS should always eat regularly. Additionally, if a clear diagnosis has not been made, such treatment will be dangerous as the hormone balances are very sensitive and should only be interfered by a specialist.


Chance of Recovery from PCOS

If the right treatment is applied, this condition can be treated very easily. Patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are more likely to have endometrial or breast cancer risks and struggle with infertility.

If you show any of the symptoms, you should go to a specialist doctor and find out if you have PCOS. Since females who are at their reproductive age are the most susceptible to this disease, they should pay more attention to this issue.

As with all conditions, PCOS may have a modifying effect on the patient. Females may have difficulty getting pregnant or may be infertile. Therefore, they must start treatment as soon as possible. With modern medicine, it is much easier to cope with this condition.


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