Embryo Donation

What is Embryo Donation?

The process of an embryo donation involves fertilizing the donated eggs with the donated sperm and then injecting it into the female that will carry the baby.


Tests Before Embryo Donations

  • Physical examinations for history and background checks
  • Ultrasounds to examine any cysts or formations in the abdomen
  • Endometrium to assess the uterus’s condition


The Embryo Donors

 The procedure involves preparing the egg and sperm donors by coordinating the blood groups with that of the recipient family. In the case where the blood groups aren’t a suitable match, forcing the procedure forward can result in numerous issues in both the mother and baby. And so, the donor must pass multiple tests for the procedure to move forward.

Surgical Tests

The first and foremost in the list are the surgical tests that examine the donor for any diseases that could harm the prospective mother and baby. These include HbsAg, HIV Duo, Anti HIV, and VDRL tests.


Hematological Tests

The next most important test is the complete blood count of the donor, as it has a significant role to play in the egg collection procedure. It involves the Coagulation tests, aPTT, and PT, INR tests.


Embryo Donors Characteristics

To have a healthy baby is what every parent wants. As a potential parent, there may be certain features that you wish for your baby to possess as well. The following are some physical factors to consider:

  • Height
  • Eye Color
  • Skin Color
  • Education Level


Gender Selection

Modern technology has now allowed parents to be able to choose the gender of their child to be born. You can now be confident about your choice to go with pink or blue using our gender determination service.


How Does Gender Selection Work?

It takes only a few steps to know the baby’s sex. Firstly, an ultrasound helps us determine two of the most important factors:

  • Measuring the endometrial thickness
  • Evaluating the spawning capacity

Secondly, we can go for gender selection through more methods that come under the HSG method which targets the medicated uterine film.

  • Evaluation of tubes
  • Intrauterine control
  • Determination of drug usage


Blood Tests for Gender Selection

In every step of the process, you need to have a complete analysis of the blood composition and circulation in the body. And so, for gender determination as well, you need to conduct some blood tests.

  • Blood count test
  • Tests exhibiting bleeding and coagulation
  • Thyroid test
  • Tests alarming for infectious diseases


Examining Males for Gender Selection

Looking for the gender by examining the father is much easier than with the mother. All we need to do is count the sperm and evaluate them. If the sperm is found to be problematic, it is further examined with sperm retrieval and genetic tests. The procedure begins with the egg collection day and has certain guidelines attached with it.

  • The mandatory blood tests need to be conducted
  • You can not eat or drink anything 5-6 hours before anesthesia
  • The medication must be altered before the procedure
  • The genetic and hematological tests need to be observed


The Gender Determination Processes

The first step that commences the gender selection process is taking the mother’s interview, which is then followed by several other treatments that tell you if it is a baby girl or a baby boy.


Medication Treatment Process

During this process, we stimulate the ovaries with the use of medicine so that the eggs develop right away. Using needles, we inject the expecting mother with the prescribed drugs under their abdomen’s skin. The ultrasound that follows in the coming days then displays the result and reveals the baby’s gender.


Egg Collection and Microinjection (ICSI)

On injecting the HCG in recipient, the egg collection starts under anesthesia. On the same day, we fertilize the eggs with the sperm. We look at the eggs under a microscope while the fluids soak the egg. We then collect the eggs and store them in the laboratory for around an hour and half, and peel them off using an enzyme or mechanical blows.


To learn more about egg donations, contact us via form or WhatsApp!