Childbirth Services

We are with our patients even during the birth of their child, as we provide birth services at our clinic. Depending on their choice, we provide two types of birth services, including normal birth and Caesarean section.


Childbirth Services at Our Clinic: Normal Birth

Normal birth occurs after 40 weeks. In some complicated cases, preterm birth may take place, where the patient delivers within 40 weeks and 10 days. If the birth process is slow and does not take place during that week, then artificial pain is applied. The administration of oxytocin to the mother at certain intervals by injection is called artificial pain. Oxytocin is the hormone that helps the uterus contract. If necessary, it is applied to the mother to assist in delivery.


How Does a Normal Baby Delivery Work?

Normal birth is a natural birth and a physiological event. The birth begins when the placenta goes up and the baby enters the birth canal. There are mild contractions at first, and these contractions are rare. They can last for an hour or a day or two. It is not necessary to go to the hospital if there is no extreme situation. Pain increases, and contractions begin to increase. When the frequency of contractions increases to 5 minutes, the patient must visit the hospital. If there is any bleeding or water, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately.

For a normal delivery to occur, the cervix must be opened to 8-10 cm. From the full opening of the cervix until the baby is delivered, the mother is assisted by the doctor to accomplish the correct timing of pushes. The placenta will not remain in the uterus, as otherwise, bleeding and infection may occur.


How is a Normal Delivery with Epidural?

Epidural is used as anesthesia in normal birth. Epidural anesthesia is the numbing from the waist down. Thus, the mother does not feel any pain, and the contractions continue. Epidural anesthesia can only be performed after an opening of 4cm and regular contractions. Birth continues as normal without problems, and the mother carries out to push under the supervision of the doctor. In some cases, the baby may be vacuumed, and this application has no harm to the baby.

In a normal birth, the mother can hold the child shortly after, and establishes their first communication in this way. It is easy for the mother to recover after a normal delivery and can easily breastfeed. After 24 hours of being in the hospital, they are both discharged. After the delivery, the mother must dress their stitches if necessary.


Birth Services in Our Clinic: Cesarean Birth

  • If the date and time of the caesarean surgery is predetermined by the doctor, nothing must be eaten or drunk after 12 o’clock the day before. You must not consume anything for at least 6 hours.
  • You must remove all jewelry before entering the operation room.


Before Entering a C-section

  • When you get to the hospital, you may relax in your pre-prepared room. The assisting nurse will ask you to sign hospital registration forms and fill out necessary paperwork.
  • An enema is done to empty the intestines, and this procedure takes 5 minutes.
  • The nurse checks the operation area. Blood is taken for any conditions that may be necessary before the operation.
  • The gown and hair cap is worn by the patient as preparation.
  • A probe may be inserted to the mother just before the operation, depending on the doctor’s initiative. The probe is important for the patient’s urine output. However, it is oftentimes not necessary.
  • The mother is put on a stretcher and enters the operation room.


Preparations for a C-section in the Operating Room

  • The mother’s vascular access is prepared on the operating table. A tool is placed on the chest to examine the heart beat.
  • If epidural anesthesia is selected, the anesthetist catheter is placed in this order.
  • At this point, the entire operation team takes care to be sterile from their hands to the elbow.
  • The mother’s abdomen is completely cleaned with solution. The sterile drape is covered, provided that the surgical site remains open.
  • After the doctor, nurses, and anesthesiologist are ready, the operation begins. The mother is put to sleep by the anesthesiologist.
  • The operation starts immediately after the mother is asleep. First, a 7-fold incision is done, including the skin, abdominal anterior wall incision, outer abdomen, inner abdomen, and uterus.
  • The first incision is made to be 8-10 cm. Then, it is the muscle casing, which is the most powerful muscle.
  • The abdominal muscle and outer membrane is cut into the abdominal cavity.
  • The membrane covering the uterus is also cut and the uterus is reached. This muscle is opened by the doctor’s hand to reach the baby’s sac.
  • This pouch is emptied and the baby is delivered successfully. The baby’s umbilical cord is cut, and the child is given to the nurses.
  • The placenta is removed manually by the doctor, and the mother’s womb is thoroughly cleaned. The incisions are closed.
  • The incision opened in the mother’s abdomen is closed using the concealed suture technique, so that the thread of the sutures is not visible. Aesthetic suture is applied and covered with tape.
  • The surgery is finished. The mother is woken up, and then taken to their room. The baby has undergone all the controls and inspections, and is waiting to be united with their mother.


Post Surgery After Giving BirthChildbirth Services. Post Surgery After Giving Birth

  • The baby is brought to the mother’s room, and tries to suckle on the first milk from the mother. The mother is given a serum and antibiotics on the first day, and has nurses checking on them during the day.
  • The mother can stand up 8 hours after the surgery. Symptoms such as dizziness and a drop in blood pressure may be seen during the first few steps.
  • If there is any pain, the nurse may provide them with pain relief.
  • Post operation, it is beneficial for the mother to walk often. It is normal for them to have gas pain, and for this they may eat fruit and other similar foods.
  • To allow the mother to take a shower, the band is adhered to the area after the dressing is done by the nurse.
  • On the second day after the operation, the mother gradually recovers from pain, and has been to the toilet. The baby can now leave and go home with the mother.


For more information on birth services at Crown IVF clinic, contact us via form or WhatsApp!